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4th June 2024
FileMaker 24 Released
Claris, Inc. have announced the new FileMaker 24 product line up.

6th August 2019
FileMaker, Inc become Claris
FileMaker, Inc, the wholly owned subsidiary of Apple, that bring you the FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, FileMaker Go and FileMaker Web Direct product line up, have today announced their re-branding and returning to the use of Claris as the company.

Full details are available on our Facebook News page.

22nd May 2019
FileMaker 18 Released

FileMaker, Inc. have announced the new FileMaker 18 product line up.

There are new features in FileMaker Pro 18, FileMaker Pro 18 Advanced, FileMaker Go 18 for iPad and iPhone and FileMaker Server 18.
More information on these features is available on our Facebook news page.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

15th May 2018
FileMaker 17 Released

FileMaker, Inc. have announced the new FileMaker 17 product line up.

There are new features in FileMaker Pro 17, FileMaker Pro 17 Advanced, FileMaker Go 17 for iPad and iPhone and FileMaker Server 17.

More information on these features is available on our news page.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

9th May 2017
FileMaker 16 product line up released

FileMaker, Inc. have announced the new FileMaker 16 product line up. There are new features in FileMaker Pro 16, FileMaker Pro 16 Advanced, FileMaker Go 16 for iPad and iPhone and FileMaker Server 16. More information on these features is available on our news page. Please let us know if you have any questions.

15th September 2016
WorkflowPLUS! v5 released

Cruse Control Databases Limited are very pleased to announce that WorkflowPLUS! v5 is now available.

Using the recently released CONTACTS! v5 CRM database as the base system, the Job Tracking and Project Management workflow database has now been updated and optimised for use in a browser or iOS/Android device.

As with other recent Cruse Control updates, the familiar look and feel of the WorkflowPLUS! database is retained.

However, again in line with recentet Cruse Control database released, WorkflowPLUS! v5 now uses FileMaker Pro 14 or later in order to bring in a fresh new appearance, designed to look equally good in a web browser, or on an iOS device, such as iPad or iPhone.

New features have also been included, such as icons on navigaton buttons to make using the database clearer than ever.

Additionally, an updated email plug-in has been used, giving several new features and improved 64bit stability and there are a number of small improvements around the system.

WorkflowPLUS! v4/4.1 is still available and still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, (v3) and FileMaker Pro 12 and up (v3.1) so you can still use your legacy FileMaker Pro licenses if you wish to do this. Additionally, for a limited time, WorkflowPLUS! v4 can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price.

More details of WorkflowPLUS! v5 are available here and screenshots are availble on our facebook page

18th August 2016

CONTACTS! v5 released
Cruse Control Databases Limited are very pleased to announce that CONTACTS! v5 is now available.

The base system upon which all of Cruse Control's ready made systems are buil, that can be used as a stand alone system, handling customer contact and marketing information and history, has now been updated and optimised for use in a browser or iOS/Android device.

Ergonomically, the familiar look and feel of the CONTACTS! database is retained, but CONTACTS! v5 now uses FileMaker Pro 14 or later and therefore takes advantage of this to bring in a fresh new makeover that is designed to look equally good in a web browser, or on an iOS device, such as iPad or iPhone.

During these changes, new features were brought in, such as icons on main navigaton buttons to make moving around the database clearer than ever.

An updated email plug-in has also been used, giving several new features and improved 64bit stability and there are a number of other small improvements, here and there.

CONTACTS! v4/4.1 is still available and still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, (v3) and FileMaker Pro 12 and up (v3.1) so you can still use your legacy FileMaker Pro licenses if you wish to do this. Additionally, for a limited time, CONTACTS! v4 can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price.

More details of CONTACTS! v5 are available here and screenshots are availble on our facebook page

18th July 2016

Publish! v4 released
Cruse Control Databases Limited are very pleased to announce that Publish! v4 is now available.

As with Cruse Control's tradition, the familiar look and feel of the Publish! database is retained, but Publish! v4 now uses FileMaker Pro 14 or later and therefore takes advantage of this to bring in a fresh new makerover that is designed to look equally good in a web browser, or on an iOS device, such as iPad or iPhone.

During these changes, new features were brought in, such as a faster way to add series bookings and icons on main navigaton buttons to make moving around the database clearer than ever.

An updated email plug-in has also been used, giving several new features and improved 64 Bit stability and there are a number of other small improvments, here and there.

Publish! v3/3.1 is still available and still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, (v3) and FileMaker Pro 12 and up (v3.1) so you can still use your legacy FileMaker Pro licenses if you wish to do this. Additionally, for a limited time, Publish! v3 can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price.

More details of Publish! v4 are available here and screenshots are availble on our facebook page

10th May 2016
FileMaker 15 released
FileMaker, Inc. have announced the new FileMaker 15 product line up.

There are new features in FileMaker Pro 15, FileMaker Pro 15 Advanced, FileMaker Go 15 for iPad and iPhone and FileMaker Server 15.

More information on these features is available on our news page.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Paul Cruse
Managing Director
Cruse Control Databases Limited

12th May 2015
FileMaker 14 released
FileMaker, Inc. have announced the new FileMaker 14 product line up. As a quick guide:

New Features in FileMaker Pro 14 and FileMaker Pro 14 Advanced include:
Launch Center — Visually organize all your FileMaker solutions in one convenient screen.
Button bar — Create groups of buttons to use for navigation or in toolbars.
Button icons — Get 140 professionally designed icons to use in buttons to represent a variety of tasks.
Top and bottom navigation parts — Your navigation is always visible when scrolling through layouts.

New Features in FileMaker Go 14 for iPad and iPhone include:
New user interface — Get an iOS 8-style look for a consistent user experience. Plus, make your solutions full screen by hiding the user interface.
Set screen orientation — Lock the orientation of your layout in to build layouts specifically for portrait or landscape views.
Enhanced signature capture — Display the signature capture screen in portrait view as well as landscape.
Video and audio playback control — Play videos in a container field as well as in full screen.
Enable touch keyboards — Control whether or not the keyboard appears in your layout.
Rich text editing — Choose the size, color, and font of your text — includes bold, underline, and italics options.

New Features in FileMaker Server 14 include:
New features to use FileMaker solutions in a mobile browser and to stay connected to your data.
FileMaker Web Direct mobile browser support — Use your mobile tablet to get the power of a FileMaker desktop solution delivered in a mobile web browser.
Reconnect to server — If the network connection or the server goes down FileMaker Pro automatically reconnects to FileMaker Server when it’s available again.
Security enhancements — Set password strength and set up a password hint in the FileMaker Server Admin Console.
Standby server — If your primary server ever goes down, experienced server administrators can type in a set of commands via the Command Line Interface to switch over to the standby server.

More information on these features are available at the following web locations:

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Paul Cruse
Managing Director
Cruse Control Databases Limited

17th December 2013 Publish! 3.1 released!!! Cruse Control Databases Limited are very pleased to announce that Publish! v3.1 is now available.

As with Cruse Control's other two recently updated databases, the familiar look and feel of the Publish! v3 database is retained, but Publish! v3.1 now uses the new .fmp12 file format, making it compatible with the latest versions of FileMaker without conversion.

During the conversion process, a new email plug-in has been used, giving new features for IMAP accounts in particular and there are a number of other small improvments, here and there.

Publish! v3 is still available and still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, so you can still use your legacy FileMaker Pro licenses if you wish to do this. Additionally, for a limited time, Publish! v3 can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price.

More details of Publish! v3/3.1 are available here. 3rd December 2013 FileMaker 13 released FileMaker, Inc. have announced that the new Filemaker 13 product line up is now available.

New features include:

Easily create custom business solutions that run in a web browser:
Run your custom business solutions directly in a web browser on a desktop or laptop. No web development skills required.
Desktop-style interaction
Live data updates
Automated processes

Build solutions for iPad and iPhone even faster than before:
Redesigned Layout/Report Assistant
New iOS keyboards
Built-in bar code scanning

New design and development features:
Custom themes
Improved starter solutions
Control object visibility

Latest industry-standard security:
Secure your data wherever you keep it - iPad, iPhone, desktop or server:
Powerful AES 256-bit encryption to protect your data where it lives - whether it's on a FileMaker client or hosted on FileMaker Server.
Visual encryption state indicator - shows secure connections to the server and if it's validated by a third-party certificate.

More details of the FileMaker 13 product line up are available here. 29th November 2013 WorkflowPLUS! v4.1 released!!! Cruse Control Databases Limited are very pleased to announce that WorkflowPLUS! v4.1 is now available.

The familiar look and feel of the WorkflowPLUS! v4 database is retained, but WorkflowPLUS! v4.1 now uses the new .fmp12 file format, making it compatible with the latest version of FileMaker without conversion.

During the conversion process, a new email plug-in has been used, giving new features for IMAP accounts in particular and a number of other small improvments have been made, here and there.

WorkflowPLUS! v4 is still available and still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, so you can still use your legacy FileMaker Pro licenses if you wish to do this. Additionally, for a limited time, WorkflowPLUS! v4 can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price.

More details of WorkflowPLUS! v4 are available here.

14th November 2013 CONTACTS! v4.1 released!!! Cruse Control Databases Limited are very pleased to announce that CONTACTS! v4.1 is now available. The familiar look and feel of the CONTACTS! v4 database is retained, but CONTACTS! v4.1 now uses the new .fmp12 file format, making it compatible with the latest version of FileMaker without conversion. During the conversion process, a new email plug-in has been used, giving new features for IMAP accounts in particular and a number of other small improvments have been made, here and there. CONTACTS! v4 is still available and still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, so you can still use your legacy FileMaker Pro licenses if you wish to do this. Additionally, for a limited time, CONTACTS! v4 can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price. More details of CONTACTS! v4 are available here. 2nd October 2013
FileMaker Pro 12 - Buy one, get one Free until 23rd October 2013
Up until 23rd October 2013, when you buy a download version of either FileMaker Pro 12 or FileMaker Pro 12 Advanced from the FileMaker Online Store, you will receive a corresponding bonus license at no extra cost.

Your download will also include an electronic edition of the FileMaker Training Series, which consists of 13 self-paced training modules to help you master the essentials of FileMaker 12.

This offer is strictly limited to one per household, organisation or individual.

If you have an existing contract under a FileMaker Licensing Programme and wish to add additional seats to this, or are looking to equip your team of 5 or more with FileMaker 12, please contact Cruse Control on 01923 842 295 and we will be happy to discuss your specific needs.

2nd April 2013
FileMaker, Inc. has released FileMaker Server 12.0v4 and FileMaker Server 12.0v4 Advanced. This update installs Java 7, and removes all dependencies on Java 6.

Please note, because Java 7 is not supported on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, you cannot install this software on OS X 10.6. This update will require you to do a complete un-installation and then re-installation of FileMaker Server. You’ll be asked for your license key at that time.

More details on the FileMaker support page

20th November 2012

FileMaker Server 12.0v3 updates released
FileMaker, Inc. has released FileMaker Server 12.0v3 and FileMaker Server 12.0v3 Advanced. This update addresses the following issues:

Instant Web Publishing - Addressed issues where Instant Web Publishing could crash after a period of use.

Running server-side scripts - When a script uses the Insert From URL script step with the “file” protocol, any specified file must be in the FileMaker Server Documents folder, the temporary folder, or a child folder of either the FileMaker Server Documents folder or the temporary folder.

More details at

23rd October 2012

FileMaker 12.0v3 updates released
FileMaker have released updates to FileMaker Pro 12 and FileMaker Pro 12 Advanced.

These updates cover issues regarding performance in layout mode, printing improvements made to the printing quality of image thumbnails in container fields, plug-ins, which are now held in a new location on the hard drive, scripting, container fields in general, some performance improvements in portals and the update also addresses an issue where copying and pasting from Excel could lose the formatting.

For full details and news of improvements, please visit the page at

23rd August 2012
FileMaker 12 updates released
FileMaker have released several updates to their FileMaker Pro 12 and FileMaker Server 12 product line up.

The updates handle issues with UK/European date formats, unicode characters, layout design and rendering, value lists, printing, certain issues with scripts and portals, attachments in emails, menu's, the recovery command, instant web publishing, JDBC, Citrix, interactive containers and a few other miscellaneous issues in FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced, as well as JAVA, ODBC, backups, the database server, the admin console, external authentication, custom web publishing and a number of other issues in FileMaker Server and FileMaker Server Advanced.

These updates are highly recommended for all users of the FileMaker 12 product line up: FileMaker Go, FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Pro Advanced, FileMaker Server and FileMaker Server Advanced.

For full details and to download please visit

4th April 2012

FileMaker 12 released
FileMaker, Inc. today released the FileMaker 12 database software line. FileMaker 12 launches a new era for databases, empowering users to create stunning custom database apps for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web.

The entire line of new FileMaker 12 software is available today.

FileMaker Pro 12 features beautiful new themes and Starter Solutions, powerful iPad, iPhone and desktop design tools, and superior file management for today’s media-intensive applications. FileMaker Pro 12 Advanced adds additional development and management tools.

The FileMaker Go 12 for iPad and iPhone apps are available free on the App Store. The free download of FileMaker Go 12 makes it amazingly easy for everyone to run iOS database apps created by FileMaker Pro 12.

The new 64-bit versions of FileMaker Server 12 and FileMaker 12 Server Advanced improve performance on wide area networks, enhance support for large databases, and add fast file and multimedia-content streaming.

Breakthrough design features boost usability on iPad, iPhone and desktop
FileMaker Pro 12 lets anyone create stunning databases. Sixteeen beautiful new Starter Solutions speed creation of databases for managing contacts, projects, digital content, inventory and more essential business tasks. Starter solutions include ready-to-use screens optimised for iPad and iPhone.

Users can instantly change the look of solutions with 40 new professionally designed themes. Themes can be used with the Starter Solutions or applied to existing databases for a fresh new look. Special touch themes are tailored for iPad and iPhone with fonts, colours, buttons and other iOS design elements.

Users can rely entirely on the included themes, or can customise every detail with new design tools such as gradients, image slicing, dynamic alignment guides, and configurable grids. Custom screen stencils make it easy to arrange information for iPad and iPhone screens.

FileMaker Pro 12 also features new Quick Charts to create eye-catching, on-the-fly graphs, and five attractive new chart styles: bubble, scatter, positive/negative, stacked bar and stacked column charts.

A better way to handle documents and multimedia files
The FileMaker 12 product line helps teams and individuals manage the growing avalanche of digital content -- especially multimedia files.

Enhanced container fields in FileMaker Pro 12 support drag-and-drop to store, many file types such as PDFs, video, photos, audio, and documents. Files can be stored in the database or linked. Managing linked files just got easier as FileMaker 12 now automatically organises files on disk and can even encrypt them for extra security.

Access to large files is faster as FileMaker 12 will now automatically generate thumbnails, and, when using FileMaker Server, will stream media files to connected clients. When running on the iPad or iPhone users can now record video and audio directly into container fields, and can stream out content using AirPlay.

FileMaker Server 12 products offer faster, more reliable data serving
The new 64-bit versions of FileMaker Server 12 and FileMaker Server 12 Advanced are built for speed and productivity. Access to more memory can boost performance for larger databases, while enhanced WAN performance assists remotely connected users, especially those using iOS devices. A re-architected web publishing engine improves speed and stability when integrating custom web pages with FileMaker databases, while progressive backups ease server administration and improve solution reliability.

Pricing and availability
All FileMaker 12 products are immediately available. FileMaker Pro 12 is £219 /£131 upgrade, FileMaker Pro 12 Advanced is £329 / £197 upgrade, FileMaker Server 12 is £699 / £419 upgrade, and FileMaker Server 12 Advanced is £2199 / £1319 upgrade. FileMaker Go 12 for iPad and FileMaker Go 12 for iPhone are free from the App Store. Additional pricing and upgrade information is available at

30th November 2011
Nitsan Simantov

Need a corporate video?

Nitsan Simatov is a professional, magazine-published photographer and film-maker Based in East Grinstead, West Sussex, in the United Kingdom.

Nitsan's video production work is being aired on both Sky TV in the UK and CBS in the USA.

Working throughout the London, Brighton and Sussex areas, he specializes in commercial photography and video production, including corporate work.

Fascinated by photography since receiving his first film camera as a gift from his parents aged just eight years old, at nineteen Nitsan directed his first professional video production in Los Angeles, California and has since then been working as a professional photographer and film-maker in the UK.

For more information on Nitsan and some samples of his work, click here for his website. Or contact Cruse Control on the usual details.

4th October 2011
FileMaker Server 11v4 updater

FileMaker, Inc. release FileMaker Server 11.0v4 for Mac OS X.

FileMaker, Inc. have released FileMaker Server 11.0v4 for Mac OS X versions 10.5, 10.6, and 10.7. This update addresses several issues, including Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) compatibility for the Web Publishing Engine.

Note also that when upgrading your server's operating system, you must reinstall FileMaker Server.

This is due to the fact that this software adds support for Mac OS X 10.7, so it is a full installer rather than an updater.

Learn more and download here:

Let us know if you have any questions, or need any help.

12th May 2011

Publish! v3 released
The latest version of Publish!, version 3 has been released!

There are several new features and enhancements to the Ad sales and Subscriptions management system and also a freshened up look and feel.

New features include less files (now just 5) making it quite a bit tidier and clearer to use.

There are many improvements to the e-mails area, for both clients and for staff. It is possible to have multiple e-mail addresses for a client and multiple e-mail accounts for a staff member. This makes it much easier to send e-mails out for a specific marketing address and collect responses straight back into the database.

As well as creating activities for contacts, companies, bookings, and now even booking issues, as with CONTACTS! v4, these activities, such as e-mails, faxes, letters, appointments, even SMS texts, are now much faster to create, often with just one click.

Publish! v3 is still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, and for a limited time, Publish! can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price.

More details of Publish! v3 are available here 5th April 2011 WorkflowPLUS! v4 The latest version of WorkflowPLUS!, version 4, has just been released.

The job tracking and project management system has several new features and enhancements and also a freshened up look and feel.

New features include the ability to create jobs for locations, not just for companies, ideal for architectural projects, interior design, property development or anywhere where you need to track the history and interaction with a location, independant of any relationship with a client, or clients. Link the location to a company, or a contact at will.

With a freshened up, but still familiar look and feel, WorkflowPLUS also has the ablitly to create activities for contacts, companies, jobs, job stages and even locations. As with CONTACTS! v4, these activities, such as e-mails, faxes, letters, appointments, even SMS texts, are now much faster to create, often with just one click.

More details are here

20th July 2010

FileMaker Go! for iPhone and iPad

FileMaker inc, have just released FileMaker Go! for the Apple iPhone and Apple iPad!

You can now view, edit and search your FileMaker Pro records on your iPhone with FileMaker Go, even e-mail a database to yourself and use it on your iPhone!

Whether you’re checking inventory in the warehouse, managing event registration on-site, or updating project status while traveling, you can do it all while you’re on the go.

For more details, and to purchase, visit

15th July 2010

CONTACTS! v4 released!!!
We are very pleased to announce that, as of today, CONTACTS! v4 is now available.

The familiar look and feel of the CONTACTS! v3.1 database is retained, but there are several new features and enhancements.

For instance, it is now possible to have multiple e-mail addresses for your contacts and designate a default e-mail address for them.

Also available now is the ability to have multiple e-mail accounts for users of the system. Choose which one to have as your default and still have the option to choose which one to send from when sending your e-mail.

CONTACTS! v4 is also faster to use. For instance, activity creation takes less clicks when sending letters, faxes, e-mail or SMS text messages etc..

The number of database files that make up CONTACTS! v4 has also been further reduced. Whilst neatening things up, enhancing performance and reducing complexity, this is also very beneficial when having the database remotely hosted by a third party, making it even more cost effective. How many files make up the CONTACTS! v4 database now? Just the 4!

The look and feel of CONTACTS! has been freshened up too, and it has also been optimised for FileMaker Pro 11.

CONTACTS! v4 is, however, still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, so you can still use your legacy FileMaker Pro licenses if you wish to do this. Additionally, for a limited time, CONTACTS! can also be shipped with FileMaker Pro 9 bundled in at a special price.

More details of CONTACTS! v4 are available here.

8th July 2010

CONTACTS! v4 Demo Preview available.
A preview demonstration of CONTACTS! v4 is available.

Whilst keeping the familiar look and feel of the CONTACTS! v3.1 database, new features include the ability to have multiple e-mail addresses for a contact, multiple e-mail accounts for a user, faster activity creation (less clicks) and much more.

CONTACTS! v4 has fewer database files than before too, making it even more cost effective if you are having the database remotely hosted by a third party.

Whilst existing users of CONTACTS! will recognise the look and feel, it has also nonetheless been freshened up too, in terms of it's appearance, as well as having been optimised for FileMaker Pro 11.

CONTACTS! v4 is however, still compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11, making it just a flexible as it ever was, albeit with several new and useful features. The demo preview is available here.

5th July 2010

FileMaker 11v2 Updaters Released

FileMaker have announced the release of updater files for their FileMaker 11 product line up.

These updaters, available for FileMaker Pro 11, FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced, FileMaker Server 11 and FileMaker Server 11 Advanced fix issues with the following:

For FileMaker Pro/Pro Advanced:

Field Definitions


Snapshot Link


Quick Find

Value Lists




General Use

Excel Import

Instant Web Publishing


For FileMaker Server/Server Advanced:


Database Server


Admin Console



For more information, please go to

30th April 2010

Publish! v2.5 released

A new version of Publish! has been released.

New features include:

Improvements to the flexibility of bookings.
Series bookings can now be of different sizes. For instance, if a client books 3 issues and wants the second issue to be 1/4 page, but the other two to be 1/8th page, this is now possible, all under the one booking.

Enhancements throughout the system designed to improve speed and ease of use.
A new titles area keeps all of your title specific information in one handy area of the system. This is particularly useful when using Publish! for more than one publication, helping to keep issue dates and deadlines clearly separated.

A demo version is available by clicking here.

For more information on Publish! v2.5, including these new features, please click here

9th March 2010

FileMaker Pro 11 Released.
FileMaker Inc have announced the release of the new FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Server 11 product line ups.

New features include the ability to add graphs (charts) to your layouts, a new quick find feature, 'Quick Reports' enabling you to create reports in FileMaker Pro even if you've never used a database before.

Further new features and enhancements in FileMaker Pro include a new 'Snapshot Link' to enable you to send a snapshot of a found set of data to a colleague also using FileMaker Pro 11 and a new recurring import feature, whereby you can establish a Recurring Import from Microsoft Excel, CSV or TAB files.

Set the recurring import up once, and every time you open your database, the data from your Excel spreadsheet or data file will update automatically in FileMaker Pro, enabling you to use this data to easily create sales reports, track workflow and collaborate with others.

FileMaker Server 11 new features include the ability to save or load schedules to enable rapid deployment of FileMaker Server installations.

More details here

14th July 2009

FileMaker 10 updaters available.
Updater files are now available for FileMaker Pro/Pro Advanced 10.0v1 or 10.0v2 and FileMaker Server/Server Advanced 10.0v1.

FileMaker Pro/Advanced 10.0v3 Updater Details:

1. Import/Export
DBF import and export are available.

Mac OS X: Addressed an issue to prevent a failure when attempting to export Excel (*.xls) without Rosetta installed.

2. Excel
Addressed an issue where an Excel file could be created displaying data under the wrong header if a field was removed using the Modify Table View feature.

Addressed an issue where the application could crash if you imported an Excel 2007 file that contains a copied worksheet with named ranges.

3. Calculations
Addressed an issue where the Random calculation function could generate non-random values on certain machines. The Random calculation will generate values greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. The value will never be 1.

4. Recovery
Addressed an issue that causes custom functions to occasionally get corrupted during recovery.

Addressed an issue that causes recovery to report no issues when there are invalid data blocks in the file.

5. SMTP Mail
Addressed an issue with some SMTP servers that could lead to the BCC email recipients being shown inappropriately.

Addressed an issue where UTF-8 data is not being encoded correctly in SMTP mail.

6. Printing and PDF
Addressed an issue where saving records to PDF could crash if the starting page number was not 1 and the layout extended beyond one page.

7. Networking
Addressed an issue where a file set to ask a user to change the password on next login fails to change the password if the client and server are not the same version.

8. External Data Sources
Addressed an issue where a FileMaker-based number field added to an external data source table does not display a zero.

9. General
Addressed an issue where Auto-Complete in a field with multiple lined data fails to function unless you are on the last empty line of the text field.

Addressed an issue where a file set to use the system formats would still insert the date in layout mode with the file format, which may not match the system format.

Addressed a formula issue in the script for the New Layout/Report dialog to correctly account for localized formats to enter the correct view mode after a layout is created.

10. IWP
Addressed an issue for some customers with Instant Web Publishing that causes any custom home page in the Web Folder in the FileMaker application folder to be ignored. The problem could also prevent the contents of a container field from being visible in a browser if the Instant Web Publishing solution refers to files stored in the Web folder.

11. CPU - New in FileMaker Pro 10.0v2 (Windows Only)
Addressed an issue where CPU utilization may be unnecessarily high in certain circumstances involving custom menus, particularly when used with Citrix Presentation Server and Terminal Services.

The FileMaker Server software updates FileMaker Server 10.0v1 or FileMaker Server 10.0v1 Advanced and addresses the following issues: (NOTE: You can see the version number of your current installation on the FileMaker Server 10 Admin Console Start Page.)

1.1. When a backup occurred while a record modification was in process, there was a chance that the backup file’s index would be out of sync with the data that was in that record. This problem has been fixed.

1.2.An authentication problem with FileMaker Pro clients connecting to a database hosted on FileMaker Server 10 running on Windows has been fixed. The authentication problem occurs when external accounts are used to log in to the server to view their list of databases. The server setting "File Display Filter" must be set to "List only the databases each user is authorized to access".

1.3.A problem has been fixed that would cause the summary report generated by the PHP Site Assistant to ignore the “Field to Group by” option.

1.4.HTML embedded in the Home page of a site generated by the PHP Site Assistant was not being rendered. This problem has been fixed.

1.5.Schedules simultaneously running Export to XML scripts would intermittently fail to produce export files. This problem has been fixed.

1.6.DBF file types are now available for Import/Export schedules.

1.7.On Microsoft Windows Vista or 2008 Server, restarting the FileMaker Server service while FileMaker Performance Counters are active no longer causes the DBS to crash.

For More details on these updaters and to download, please visit

30th June 2009
Perfect 10!
Cruse Control's 3 products are now fully compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9 and 10.

CONTACTS! v3.1, WorkflowPLUS! v 3.1 and Publish! v2.1 have all been optimised to manage the new user interface that comes as part of FileMaker Pro 10.

The changes to the databases are most notable on the Mac platform, where the screens have been resized to accommodate the shift of the FileMaker status bar from the left of the window to the top.

In addition to this, numerous small changes have been made to further enhance the user experience, including further development of the timed reminders capabilities of Cruse Control's 3 products, whether you are using FileMaker Pro 10's new script triggers, or not.

What this means exactly is that, for those wishing to use existing licenses of FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5 or 9, further development work has been carried out on the timed script functions, making it possible to have reminders pop up in the diary with just a little bit of programming to your exact requirements, whether you have FileMaker Pro 10 with it's "script triggers" features, or not. There are many ways of using these features, so please enquire for further details.

27 01 2009
FileMaker Release FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced 10.0v1a Web Publishing Update
You only need this update if you use Instant Web Publishing (IWP) with FileMaker Pro 10 or FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced from the desktop. If you do not use IWP from the desktop, you can skip this update.

This update fixes a problem with Instant Web Publishing that causes any custom home page in the Web folder in the FileMaker application folder to be ignored. The problem could also prevent the contents of a container field from being visible in a browser if the Instant Web Publishing solution refers to files stored in the Web folder.

Who should install this software?

Install this software if you are using FileMaker Pro 10.0v1 or FileMaker Pro 10.0v1 Advanced on Mac OS X or Windows, and you are using FileMaker Web Publishing 10.0v1.

To verify the FileMaker Web Publishing version, use the FileMaker Pro function Get(ApplicationVersion) in an unstored calculation from a web client. For information about Get(ApplicationVersion), see FileMaker Pro Help.

Mac OS X Installation Instructions
Quit FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced.
On the installation volume, open the “FileMaker Pro 10/Extensions/Web Support” or “FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced/Extensions/Web Support” folder.
Replace the existing “FM Web Publishing” file with the “FM Web Publishing” file contained in this update.
Restart FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced.
After completing the above steps, the FileMaker Pro function Get(ApplicationVersion) should return the string “FileMaker Web Publishing 10.0v1a” from a web client.

To download the Mac updater, visit:

Windows Installation Instructions
Quit FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced.
On the installation volume, open the “FileMaker Pro 10/Extensions/Web Support” or “FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced/Extensions/Web Support” folder.
Replace the existing app.dll, app.dll.manifest, and “FM Web Publishing.exe” files with the corresponding files contained in this update.
Open the “FileMaker Pro 10/Extensions/Web Support/Resources” or “FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced/Extensions/Web Support/Resources” folder.
Replace the existing web.prefs file with the web.prefs file contained in this update.
Restart FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced.
After completing the above steps, the FileMaker Pro function Get(ApplicationVersion) should return the string “FileMaker Web Publishing 10.0v1a” from a web client.

To download the Windows updater, visit:

For more information, visit for additional details on the new product line up.

5th January 2009
FileMaker release FileMaker Pro 10 product line-up
FileMaker Inc. have announced that they have released FileMaker Pro 10, FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced, FileMaker Server 10 and FileMaker Server 10 Advanced.

New Features in FileMaker Pro 10 include:

Status Toolbar

Put commonly used features at your fingertips with the redesigned interface.

Script Triggers
Create and run scripts prompted by user actions for increased productivity.

Dynamic Reports

Make changes to grouped data on the fly for easier customisation.

Saved Finds

Save a set of find requests and then perform them in a single click for quicker searches.

Send Mail via SMTP
Send email directly through an SMTP server for faster direct distribution; no email client needed.

Updated Templates and New Themes

Choose from 30 updated Starter Solutions and 10 new themes to get started quickly.

Enhanced Quick Start Screen
New "See it, Use it, Learn it" interface to teaches how to use FileMaker Pro. Easily create databases from an existing source like .CSV, Tab, Excel or Bento.

Bento Integration
Import your Bento data directly into FileMaker Pro through the Quick Start Screen or the File Menu.

New Resource Centre
New video tutorials to help you learn about FileMaker Pro 10 – links directly from the Help Menu in your software.

Set Field By Name Script Step
Specify the target field by name with a calculation.

Insert Tab Order
Insert a new tab and your other tabs automatically re-number.

Updated ESS Support
Create live, 2-way connections with external SQL data sources including the latest versions of Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL.

Latest Excel File Format Support
Supports .XLSX data import from Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows) and Excel 2008 (Mac).

Enhanced File Recovery
View a detailed recovery log, select specific file components to recover and get a summary of the recovery process including file status.

IPv6 Support
Complies with Internet Protocol Version 6 standards.

For more information, visit for additional details on the new product line up.

New FileMaker Server 10 Products
FileMaker Server 10 has several new features, including: simplified server management that allows administrators to import and export records using server-based scripts - no more robots are required; an enhanced PHP Site Assistant with 10 PHP Site Assistant themes plus one for the iPhone - to create visually stunning websites in minutes; the ability to send mail via SMTP directly from FileMaker Server 10 without the need for an e-mail client; and a new Database Log Viewer that provides a snapshot of your database logs to quickly pinpoint trouble spots. FileMaker Server 10 Advanced now allows up to 999 users to simultaneously connect to FileMaker Pro databases - about four times the number of live connections in FileMaker Server 10 and in previous versions of FileMaker Server Advanced.

20th October 2008
FileMaker release free updaters
FileMaker Inc. have announced that they have released free updates to FileMaker Pro 9, FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced, FileMaker Server 9 and FileMaker Server 9 Advanced.

These updates correct an issue where FileMaker Pro cannot see FileMaker Server hosted files when Secure connections to FileMaker Server (SSL) is enabled. This issue does not occur in FileMaker products that were installed prior to September 22, 2008. This fix is only necessary if you re-install your software, or for any new installations made after September 22, 2008.

FileMaker also announced that they will release a complete installer for new installations of FileMaker 9 products. They further stated that if you are planning on installing FileMaker 7, 8 or 8.5 products, there is a workaround that you can use to fix this problem and to read FileMaker Knowledge Base article 6995 from their support website (see below).

To get the updaters, visit for additional details on this update, as well as installation instructions.

29th August 2008
Cruse Control Databases Sage Integration
Cruse Control can now integrate databases with Sage accounts packages.

Whether using Cruse Control's own CONTACTS!, WorkflowPLUS! or Publish! databases, or one of your own in house FileMaker solutions, Cruse Control are pleased to announce that they can now integrate FileMaker systems with Sage products.

The integration has been achieved by Cruse Control's recent training on DuroData’s new 'Synchronite' product.

This makes the following possible:

  • Two way synchronisation of customer and supplier information. Customer and supplier accounts can be created and updated in either system

  • The ability to post multi line sales and purchase invoices. (With Sage Line 50 you can even post the invoice without the transaction for ultimate control)

  • The ability to post foreign-currency invoices, with the option to override the exchange rates defined in the accounts package from within FileMaker

  • The ability to post journal transactions

  • Full error handling with error details logged and referenced back to your FileMaker solution

  • The facility to import control data such as nominal account codes, tax codes and currencies into your solution

  • Full network and cross platform functionality, access all these features from both Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows workstations on your FileMaker network

  • Multi-Company. If your organisation uses one or more company Synchronite can automatically switch between them on the fly

'Synchronite' is Duro Data's replacement for it's well known and widely used 'SageLink Professional' product. As registered Synchronite developers, Cruse Control are well placed to undertake these integrations and have direct access to support and other information from the makers of this well respected product.

Businesses using this product will save hours of time by avoiding the need to re-key information, also ensuring data accuracy along the way.

Contact us and we will examine your system and let you know what needs to be done in order to ensure that the integration will run smoothly. Or call 01923 842 295 for more details.

FileMaker Compatibility
FileMaker Pro V7, V8, V8.5, V9
FileMaker Server Advanced
(recommended - 10 or more users) V7, V8, V9
(Under certain criteria, FileMaker Server 9 can also be used)

Sage Compatibility
Sage Line 50 V12, V13 (2007), V14 (2008)
Sage MMS\200 V3.5

6th August 2008
MasterCard Debit accepted at Cruse Control
Cruse Control now accept the new MasterCard Debit card for purchases on-line and by phone.

This means that we continue to accept most credit and debit card types from around the world, making it even easier for you to purchase Cruse Control products on-line or over the 'phone.

To visit the Cruse Control on-line store go to

6th June 2008
FileMaker Pro offers and changes
I would like to make you aware of several points with regards to FileMaker right now.

Firstly, FileMaker Inc. have announced that, as and from Friday 26th September 2008, they will no longer be supporting FileMaker Pro 7, or offering replacement media for this product.

As a result of this, they have a special upgrade price available for people who would like to upgrade from FileMaker Pro 7, 8 or 8.5 to FileMaker Pro 9 before this date. FileMaker Pro 9 upgrades are now priced at £99.00 + VAT instead of £131.00 + VAT. FileMaker 9 Advanced upgrades are now £149.00 + VAT instead of £197.00 + VAT. This is a limited time offer. More details are at

Secondly, FileMaker are also offering special pricing for purchasers of volume licenses. For example, to upgrade 10 licenses of FileMaker Pro 7 to FileMaker Pro 9, the price is £950.00 + VAT – a saving of £350.00 + VAT. Plus, you'll get any new upgrades that are released during the year at no additional charge. This too is a limited time offer and more details can be found at or by calling Cruse Control on 01923 842 295.

Finally, for new licenses, there is also a 20% discount on the 10 user + free FileMaker Server bundle, saving £570.00 + VAT on the usual pricing and again, you'll get any new upgrades that are released during the year at no additional charge. is the place to go for more details on this, or call Cruse Control on 01923 842 295.

Educational and Charity pricing is also available in the above offers.

There are one or two other offers too, including rebates on boxed products. Full details are at

Or you can call Cruse Control Limited on 01923 842 295 and we will be happy to discuss this with you.

Kind Regards,

Paul Cruse

Managing Director
Cruse Control Limited

17th December 2007
Publish! v2.1 released
The latest version of Publish!, Cruse Control's Advertising sales and Subscriptions management database software, is now available.

Publish! v2.1
The version number is 2.1 replacing the previous version 2.

As with the recent CONTACTS! and WorkflowPLUS! upgrades, the main difference is with sending and receiving e-mails directly from within the database and making these changes to Publish! v2 completes our three staged upgrade process, thus bringing Publish! v2.1 in line with CONTACTS!, our customer contact management system and WorkflowPLUS!, which adds Job Tracking and Invoicing.

Publish! has all of the features of CONTACTS!, such as keeping track of customer contact details and e-mail, fax, sms, phone and letter correspondences with them.

What Publish! ads to this is Advertising Sales and Subscriptions Management, making it possible to create bookings with multiple repeat issues and keep tabs of Publication Subscriptions, as well as market to your clients and subscribers, all in one tidy database.

In addition to the improvements to e-mailing, the number of database files has also been further reduced, which will reduce the cost of remote hosting of the database, as well improve performance and save on file sizes.

Apple Mac users can also now use Intel Processor Macs natively as well as the latest version of the OS X operating system, 10.5, 'Leopard.'

Improved navigation, more on screen help and a new step-by step guide, complete the update.

Publish! v2.1 - and indeed all 3 Cruse Control systems, ship with FileMaker Pro 9, the current version of the award winning database creation software.

Click here for more information on Publish! v2.1

Click here to download a demo of Publish! v2.1.

Alternatively, please contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Paul Cruse
Cruse Control Limited

13th December 2007
FileMaker Pro 9v3 updater released
FileMaker have released an updater to their current FileMaker Pro 9 range of database creation software.

The updater is named 9v3 and can be run directly from any version of FileMaker Pro 9 and FileMaker Pro 9 advanced without having to run any other updaters first.

There are updaters for both PC and Mac and the issues fixed are as follows:

Instant Web Publishing can now be correctly enabled and disabled on Mac OS X 10.5.

A problem has been fixed in which Instant Web Publishing might display the wrong value from a value list. In version 9.0v1 and 9.0v2, this problem could occur when one value list item is a substring of another value in the list. For example, if a text field uses a value list containing “room A7” and “room A73”, and the field is set to “room A73”, Instant Web Publishing erroneously displays “room A7” instead. In version 9.0v1 and 9.0v2, the erroneously displayed data could then be committed to the database, if the user entered Edit mode and clicked Submit.

Support added for Safari 3 and Firefox 2 on Mac OS X 10.5. The FileMaker 9 Instant Web Publishing Guide has details of other supported web browsers.

Choose the appropriate link from the list below for full details and a link to the download (FileMaker Website)

FileMaker Pro for PC

FileMaker Pro Advanced for PC

FileMaker Pro/Pro Advanced for Mac

10th December 2007
WorkflowPLUS! v3.1 released
The latest version of WorkflowPLUS!, Cruse Control's job tracking database software, is now available.

WorkflowPLUS! v3.1
The version number is 3.1 replacing the previous version 3.

There are a number of small changes and improvements here and there, but the main difference is with e-mail sending and receiving directly from the database, as given in the CONTACTS! v3.1 new features list in the article below this one.

In addition to the improvements similar to CONTACTS! v3.1, WorkflowPLUS! v 3.1 also now allows you to do multiple invoices against one client and there are several other small enhancements to the way in which items are added to part bill invoices and so on.

The number of database files has also been further reduced and Apple Mac users can now use Intel Processor Macs natively as well as the latest version of the OS X operating system, 10.5, 'Leopard.'

WorkflowPLUS! v3.1 ships with FileMaker Pro 9, the current version of the award winning database creation software.

Click here for more information on WorkflowPLUS! v3.1

Click here to download a demo of WorkflowPLUS! v3.1.

Alternatively, please contact us if you have any questions.

Paul Cruse
Cruse Control Limited

19th November 2007
CONTACTS! v3.1 released
The latest version of CONTACTS!, Cruse Control's contact management database software, is now available.

The version number is 3.1 replacing the previous version 3.

There are a number of small changes and improvements here and there, but the main difference is with e-mail sending and receiving directly from the database.

Whilst this feature was possible in version 3, the way it which it is undertaken has been totally revamped.

E-Mail Settings
In version 3 of CONTACTS!, if you wanted to send e-mails directly out of the database, without using your desktop e-mail software, you would enter your account details into the database, just as you would do with your e-mail software. This was the same if you wanted to receive e-mails directly into the database, again without using your desktop e-mail software.

With the new version 3.1 of CONTACTS!, these details are entered into a new e-mail settings area and now allow the flexibility of sending and receiving from different e-mail accounts.

But the main difference is in the way in which these e-mails are stored.

With version 3, e-mails and attachments were stored in a chosen folder of the users computer.

With version 3.1, HTML e-mails and attachments are stored within the database, enabling far easier access, should you wish to share these e-mails and attachments with other users in your workgroup.

Options from this point include improvements on how you interact with these attachments, allowing you to open them and save them to other locations.

All in all, it makes for a much simpler set up and ease of use, a much tidier computer and other users no longer need to be connected to your machine in order to view these attachments.

Additionally, you can now preview attachments that you have linked to your e-mail, prior to sending them.

The number of database files has also been further reduced and Apple Mac users can now use Intel Processor Macs natively as well as the latest version of the OS X operating system, 10.5, 'Leopard.'

CONTACTS! v3.1 ships with FileMaker Pro 9, the current version of the award winning database creation software.

Click here for more information on CONTACTS! v3.1

Click here to download a demo of CONTACTS! v3.1.

Alternatively, please contact us if you have any questions.

Paul Cruse
Cruse Control Limited

6th November 2007
FileMaker announce Leopard compatibility update for FileMaker Pro 9 and FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced.

FileMaker has released a downloadable update to make FileMaker Pro 9 and FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 'Leopard' as described below.

In addition to Leopard compatibility, the new 9.0v2 update addresses other issues, and FileMaker recommend that all users of FileMaker Pro 9 and FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced download it, including Windows users.

Click here for the details and to download the FileMaker Pro 9.0v2 and FileMaker Pro 9.0v2 Advanced Leopard update now. (FileMaker Website)

Please note that this update does not fix issues with the FileMaker Pro 9 Instant Web Publishing (IWP) feature running on Leopard. FileMaker intend to make IWP compatible with Leopard in an update expected in December 2007.

FileMaker also state that they expect to deliver a Leopard compatibility update for their Server products in early 2008. FileMaker Server 9 and FileMaker Server 9 Advanced currently do not deploy properly on Leopard. In the meantime, FileMaker Pro 9 and FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced clients running on Leopard do work with FileMaker Server and Server Advanced running in OS X 10.4 'Tiger' or earlier versions of Mac OS X.

Click here for info on earlier versions of FileMaker software and Mac OS X Leopard. (FileMaker Website)

29th September 2007
FileMaker issue statement regarding FileMaker compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 'Leopard'

FileMaker have issued a statement on their website that gives information as to compatibility of FileMaker 9 line up with the newly released Max operating system 10.5 'Leopard'

In this statement, they state the following issues:

FileMaker Pro 9 and Pro 9 Advanced:
"The Instant Web Publishing feature does not work.

On Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5), each language version of FileMaker Pro 9 and FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced works only when the Mac OS System Preference "International Formats Region" is set to a specific region. For example, the English language version of FileMaker works only when the region is United States. It does not work when the region is United Kingdom, or Australia, or France, or any other region."

FileMaker Server 9 and Server 9 Advanced:
"FileMaker Server 9 and FileMaker Server 9 Advanced currently do not deploy properly on Leopard. We are working on Leopard compatibility updates for FileMaker Server 9 and FileMaker Server 9 Advanced but do not have an estimated availability date at this time. Again, subscribe to FileMaker News for information on updates.

We have not tested earlier (pre-FileMaker 9) versions of FileMaker software on Mac OS X Leopard and do not intend to release updates for earlier versions of FileMaker."

For full details of this statement and links to other relevant documents,
click here (FileMaker Website)

25th September 2007
FileMaker release FileMaker Server 9v2 Updater for Windows and Mac.

FileMaker today announced the release of an updater for FileMaker Server 9.

Here are some important fixes that the update addresses:

1. Fixes in FileMaker Server

1.1. In Mac OS X, the Web Publishing Engine stopped responding after running for approximately 5 days. This has been fixed.

1.2. A problem has been fixed in which Instant Web Publishing might display the wrong value from a value list. In version 9.0v1, this problem could occur when one value list item is a substring of another value in the list. For example, if a text field uses a value list containing "room A7" and "room A73", and the field is set to "room A73", Instant Web Publishing erroneously displays "room A7" instead.  In version 9.0v1, the erroneously displayed data could then be committed to the database, if the user entered Edit mode and clicked Submit.

1.3. A problem has been fixed that would have caused PHP web publishing to stop working correctly on or after October 7, 2007.

1.4. Sites generated by PHP Site Assistant

1.4.1. User credentials used to log into a site are no longer exposed in the URL and the web server log.
1.4.2. When you click the Delete Record button and then click Cancel in the confirmation dialog box, the record is no longer deleted anyway. 

1.5. FileMaker Server performance statistics are no longer prevented from being properly added to the Performance Monitor in Windows Server 2003.

For more details, installation instructions and links to the download click one of the following below:



Please contact us if you need any assistance with this.

Paul Cruse
Cruse Control Limited

New FileMaker 9 Product Line Delivers 30 Ease-of-Use Breakthroughs including Live Connections to SQL Data
Innovative new FileMaker 9 PHP Site Assistant enables non-programmers to create PHP-driven websites
SANTA CLARA, CA – July 10, 2007 – FileMaker today announced the immediate availability of FileMaker Pro 9, ( ) a major new version of the most award-winning desktop database for Windows and Mac OS.

The new FileMaker 9 product line, which the company called its most dramatic new offering in years with over 30 ease-of-use breakthroughs, is available today, and includes FileMaker Pro 9, FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced, FileMaker Server 9 and FileMaker Server 9 Advanced.

FileMaker Pro 9 includes many new features, for end users and developers, to simplify creating, automating, sharing and reporting from databases, including a new Quick Start screen for new users to be quickly productive; Conditional Formatting, which highlights data based on parameters the user sets; and the ability to email a link to other FileMaker users, which they can click to instantly access your database.

The new version also offers breakthrough easy-to-use tools so FileMaker users and workgroups easily can connect to the world of company and Web data residing in external SQL data sources: MySQL, Oracle SQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

The new Server 9 products, which enable workgroups to share databases over the network and the Web, come with a completely modernized and streamlined Admin Console, so FileMaker Pro users can easily set up and administer Server software.

"FileMaker is the acknowledged leader in easy-to-use database software which empowers workgroups," said Dominique Goupil, president of FileMaker. "With FileMaker 9 we go further. We make it easier than ever for developers and users to manage information in amazingly productive and creative ways. For example, our goal is to make FileMaker Server 9 so easy that FileMaker Pro customers can install it in 20 minutes or less, and quickly share database solutions."

"FileMaker 9 is perfect for innovative organizations who realize the benefits of empowered self-service workgroups," Goupil said.  

Connect to the world of data in External SQL Data Sources
Using the new one-way or two-way live connectivity to popular SQL sources, FileMaker Pro 9 users within any business or organization can safely and securely create custom reports, add calculations and other fields, and even build relationships with existing FileMaker data, just using the easy-to-use tools of FileMaker Pro.

With the new PHP features of FileMaker Server and FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced both users and Web developers can publish information to external websites, gather information from Web visitors, and create new solutions combining a Web-based front-end with a rich, FileMaker Pro back-end.

Mac users of the new FileMaker products can connect to SQL sources with the Actual ODBC Pack version 2.7, now available from Actual Technologies LLC

New Data Integration and Easier Database Design Features in FileMaker Pro 9
FileMaker Pro 9 features many new capabilities to make databases more connected for users, as well as a suite of advanced but easy-to-use development and customization tools for developers. New features include:

Connecting to a world of data, by easily creating links and integrating live MS SQL server, Oracle and MySQL data as if it were FileMaker-based data.

Ease of use breakthroughs, including the FileMaker Quick Start Screen, which remembers your favorites and gives you access to the new videos in the FileMaker Learning Center, Send Link Database Sharing, a one-click feature that sends an email with a hyperlink so you share a database with other FileMaker Pro users, and Append to PDF, which allows users to consolidate multiple data reports into a single PDF file.

More productive database design, including script grouping and editing tools, conditional formatting, auto-resize, enhanced layout objects, enhanced tab control and an improved Web Viewer.

Advanced Database Design Even Easier with FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced
New features in FileMaker Pro 9 Advanced that are focused on giving users faster and easier ways to create advanced and customized database solutions include:

Enhanced Database Design Report and File Maintenance tools, making it even easier to modify and maintain databases.

Improved Script Debugger and Data Viewer, for identifying and correcting script errors earlier in the design process.

PHP Site Assistant Link, providing a one-click launch of the PHP Site Assistant included in FileMaker Server 9.

FileMaker Server 9 Products Feature Most Significant Upgrade in its History
FileMaker Server 9 and FileMaker Server 9 Advanced feature one-click integration with the Web using PHP, a simple 20-minute or less install time for basic installations, plus the most significant redesign of the server interface ever. With FileMaker Server 9, users can generate a fully working PHP website using FileMaker data without writing code in just minutes.

Other major new features include PHP Custom Web Publishing for creating dynamic data-driven websites, shared access to live data from external SQL sources, and a web-delivered server console.

Pricing and Availability
All FileMaker 9 products are immediately available. For pricing, please visit  (for the UK) or to select pricing for your country.

About FileMaker, Inc.
FileMaker develops award winning database software for Windows, Mac, and the Web. FileMaker products combine legendary ease of use with the power to grow from individuals to large workgroups. Millions of people in business, education, non-profit, and government organizations around the world, rely on FileMaker software to manage, analyze, and share information. FileMaker, Inc. is a subsidiary of Apple Inc.

©2007 FileMaker, Inc. All rights reserved. FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

March 2007
FileMaker Pro 8.5 Vista updaters released

FileMaker release FileMaker Pro 8.5v2 and FileMaker Pro 8.5v2 Advanced updaters for windows users. These fixes enable Windows users to now use FileMaker with Windows Vista as well as fixing a number of other issues with Windows. Mac users are not affected by the issues and therefore do not need to run the updaters.

For more information and to download the FileMaker Pro 8.5v2 updater visit

For more information and to download the FileMaker Pro 8.5v2 Advanced updater visit

New FileMaker Pro 8.5 Features Live Web Data on Demand

FileMaker ships 4 new Universal Application products with up to 116% faster performance for FileMaker Server 8.0 v4 and up to 91% faster performance for FileMaker Pro 8.5 on Macintosh Intel computers

SANTA CLARA, CA. -- July 10, 2006 -- FileMaker today announced the immediate availability of FileMaker Pro 8.5, the first desktop database to provide built-in integration with live web data (

As easy as it is to bookmark a web page, a live web page can now be added to a record in a database using the new Web Viewer Control in FileMaker Pro 8.5.  Data in specified record fields, such as customer's address or product name, will drive the URL in the Web Viewer. Set it up once and there will be a live web link for every record in the database. Possibilities include street maps based on a customer address field, shipping status based on a shipment tracking number and stock performance charts based on a stock symbol.

"Delivering web data on demand continues our tradition of setting new standards in the database market," said Dominique Goupil, president, FileMaker, Inc. "With the new Web Viewer in FileMaker Pro 8.5, we are leading the way users will harness Web data. And we expect to reignite the workgroup database category with this breakthrough benefit."

"The new FileMaker 8.5 version provides the up-to-date information available through the Internet while still giving customers total control of the application."

The new product line, which includes FileMaker Pro 8.5, FileMaker Pro 8.5 Advanced, FileMaker Server 8.0v4 and FileMaker Server 8.0v4 Advanced all feature new Universal Application support and run on Mac OS X on Intel-based Macs delivering up to 116% faster performance vs. running on Power PC, based on the company's benchmark testing (for FileMaker Pro 8.5, go to and for FileMaker Server 8.0 v4 go to The new versions also run on Power PC-based Macs, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Available exclusively within FileMaker Pro 8.5, FileMaker also introduces the FileMaker Learning Center, a convenient way for users of all levels to learn FileMaker at their own pace. The FileMaker Learning Center includes free video tutorials, how-to guides and many other resources.

FileMaker Pro 8.5 also offers powerful new object functions and scripting capabilities, features that carry on the company's tradition of providing greater productivity for developers and more intuitive solutions for users.

New Web Integration and Productivity Features in FileMaker Pro 8.5

FileMaker Pro 8.5 for Windows and Mac OS X, features many new capabilities to make databases more productive and "web smart" for users while providing powerful new ways for developers to better control database functions.

New features include:
FileMaker Web Viewer Control: This new layout object allows users to easily connect databases with the critical, up-to-date Web data. Links are easy to establish: simply enter the web address or point to a field containing the web address. FileMaker Pro 8.5 also includes ready-to-use built-in links for many popular web sites, including Wikipedia and others so that users can add web sites within their FileMaker Pro 8.5 records.

Users can also create links that will search through web sites and display information based on data in a database. FileMaker Pro 8.5 offers several ways to learn how to use the new functions:

A Web Viewer Sample Database is included in the product to demonstrate how to use much of the content listed above.

FileMaker offers the Web Viewer Gallery ( where users can learn more about ways to integrate Web Viewers into their own solutions from examples created by FileMaker and leading third-party FileMaker database developers.

In addition to linking to public web sites, the FileMaker Web Viewer can be used to interact with web-enabled commercial and custom solutions from within their FileMaker database solution. For example, a database of sales information could be connected with an internal web-based solution that displays shipment information.

Beyond adding URLs, users can view virtually any type of content in the Web Viewer that can be viewed in a Web browser including:



• QuickTime

• Java applets

• Flash

• SVG charts

• PHP charting classes

• Fillable forms

• Word or Excel files (on Windows platforms)

Universal Application. All four new products are Universal, with native support for next generation Intel-based Macs delivering from up to 91% faster performance for FileMaker Pro 8.5 and up to 116% faster performance for FileMaker Server 8.0 v4 compared to running on Mac Power PCs (For FileMaker Pro 8.5, go to and for FileMaker Server 8.0v4 go to

FileMaker Learning Center: A world of information and resources is now all within one place for FileMaker Pro 8.5 users of all types and levels of experience. Just one click away within the FileMaker Pro 8.5 Help menu, users will now have access to centralized, updated information on FileMaker Pro 8.5 quickly and easily.

New Object Functions and Scripts: Developers will be more productive in creating intuitive solutions with new functions, such as Layout Object Names, Go to Object script steps, Layout Object calculations, Set Web Viewer script step and List function.

New Chinese Version: FileMaker Pro 8.5 will be available for purchase in both simplified and traditional Chinese within 90 days. Versions of FileMaker Pro 8.5 in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish are also planned to be available for purchase within the next 30 to 90 days.

Pricing and Availability:
All FileMaker Pro 8.5 products are immediately available.

For pricing go to either (UK) or (USA), or call Cruse Control on 01923 842 295.

Existing users of FileMaker Pro 8.0 and FileMaker Pro 8.0 Advanced may upgrade to FileMaker Pro 8.5.

FileMaker Server 8 and FileMaker Server 8 Advanced users can get Universal CDs that support Intel-based. These CDs are available for purchase on the FileMaker online web store or by calling FileMaker customer service.

FileMaker offers license discounts for volume purchasers as well as for education and non-profit organizations.

Users running FileMaker Server 8 and FileMaker Server 8 Advanced on the Windows or PowerPC-based Mac computers, can download the FileMaker Server 8.0v4 and FileMaker Server 8.0v4 Advanced compatibility updates from the FileMaker web site. These free compatibility updates address certain known issues in FileMaker Server 8 and do not include support for Intel-based Mac computers. Visit for more information.

About FileMaker, Inc.
FileMaker Pro is used by millions of individuals and workgroups around the world to be more productive and efficient. Business, education and government customers rely on FileMaker to manage people, projects, images, assets and other information. In addition to being the number one-selling easy-to-use database software, the award-winning FileMaker product line also includes low-cost Applications that automate basic business tasks, ready-to-use Starter Solutions, and tools to create and share solutions from the desktop to the web. FileMaker, Inc. is a subsidiary of Apple Computer, Inc (AAPL).

©2006 FileMaker, Inc. All rights reserved. FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.

CONTACTS! v3 Released!

Now includes HTML Email facility

Click on the Demo Downloads link above to download a demo or click here to download a pdf of features.

New features of v3 are as follows:

Fresh new interface design featuring clearer screens.

Fully FileMaker Pro 7/8 compliant.

View all correspondence by Company as well as by Individual

Company categories in addition to Individual categories for more accurate searches.

Choose how you send your emails:

Out of the database using your desktop email software, with or without an attachment.

Directly out of the database with or without an attachment, plain text.

Directly out of the database as HTML emails with attachment.

Additionally, you can now choose to email directly into the database and file incoming emails automatically including auto file attachments and open them from the individuals record. Even when using this feature, your desktop email software can still be used.

Numerous other enhancements and navigation improvements as well as the ability to use the new features of FileMaker Pro 7/8 when using, or customising, the database.

Costs: Costs are £425 + VAT including a copy of FileMaker Pro 8. Click here for pricing if you already have FileMaker Pro 7 or 8.

Discounts for Multiple licenses.

To order a full copy or multiple copies visit the Cruse Control Store. For a site licence or further information call +44 (0)1923 842 295 or email products at crusecontrol dot com

System Requirements: As FileMaker Pro 7 (and FileMaker Server 7 if networking to more than 3 users)


Pentium 300 MHz or higher

64MB of RAM for Windows 2000

128MB of RAM for Windows XP

CD-ROM drive and hard disk drive

Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4), Windows XP (Service Pack 1)*


Apple G3 or higher (no G3 upgrade cards)

128MB of RAM

CD-ROM drive and hard disk drive

Mac OS X v10.2.8 or later**

For All Platforms

Networking: TCP/IP (FileMaker Pro 7 can act as an host for up to five concurrent FileMaker Pro 7 users. See FileMaker Server 7 for increased capacity.)

Instant Web Publishing: A host computer with continuous access to the Internet or intranet via TCP/IP (FileMaker Pro 7 can manage up to five concurrent Instant Web Publishing sessions. See FileMaker Server 7 Advanced for increased capacity.)

Access to the Internet requires an Internet service provider, FileMaker does not provide an Internet account for you

Limited to five concurrent web sessions

If using CONTACTS! v3 in a multi user networked environment, FileMaker Server 7 requires the following:


Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition

Windows 2000 Server (Service Pack 4 installed)

Processor: Pentium III 1GHz (Pentium 4 or higher recommended)

RAM: 256 MB (512 MB or more recommended)

Hard Disk: 1 GB of available disk space


Mac OS X v10.2.8 or later

Mac OS X Server v10.2.8 or later

Processor: G4 500 MHz (1 GHz or higher recommended)

RAM: 256 MB (512 MB or more recommended)

Hard Disk: 1 GB of available disk space

Linux OS

Visit for latest news regarding FileMaker's plans to support this Operating System

FileMaker Server 7 Released!

Great news for network users of FileMaker wishing to upgrade to FileMaker Pro version 7, the new FileMaker Server 7 has now been released.

FileMaker Server 7 is the answer for any business wanting to share databases across a network, from the smallest business to multi-national groups. This high-performance server software effectively manages shared databases, and its high spec sharing, security, and administration features make it really easy to use.

If you have more than one user for any of your database solutions, a server will help you work faster, better and more safely.

A dedicated computer that works at the centre of a network, your server actively helps all network users to access data when they need it, making sure that every user gets what they require, as fast and efficiently as possible.

FileMaker Server 7 is the brain behind the server, with a host of powerful features that allow each user to do more, more often!

Any number of users can share data, from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 250. For companies with more than 250 users, there's a neat timed log-out that disconnects idle users after a certain time, allowing new active users to access data.

Server 7 supports the PC and Mac versions of FileMaker Pro 7, so your Cruse Control solutions can be shared by all users, regardless of their computer flavour!

Server 7 is faster and better than previous versions because it makes the server work harder for every user. Server 7 performs searches on the server instead of on the user's machine, and takes full advantage of the server's hard disk capacity and RAM. The end result to the user is simply speed &endash; Server 7 works hard on their behalf!

Server 7 recognises the need to store massive amounts of data as never before. Not only does it allow a server to host up to 125 database files at once, but also store up to 8 terabytes on each database (that's an amazing 4,000 times more than before!). Of course, you can always add more servers for extra capacity as your business expands.

It's easy to administer your databases in Server 7, either in the office or out in the field.

You can use Server 7's Administration element to configure, check and watch every aspect of Server 7's activity. The Activity Log records every activity by every user, and even keeps a check on updates and plug-ins downloaded.

Server 7 can perform maintenance and backups on live databases whilst users are still working on them, and you can even change settings without restarting the server, so there is no downtime. Or you can still leave early and Server 7's automated backup will do the work overnight!

FileMaker Pro 7 already has sophisticated security built in, but Server 7 adds whole new levels. You can encrypt your information as it travels across your network from the host server to the user's machine, use external authentication to ensure only the right people are accessing data, and even filter the display of hosted databases' names, so users only see what they can access, and nothing more tempting…

Server 7 is easy to install, even easier to use, and a powerful ally in the race for more data, more quickly and more safely. We wouldn't be without it! Buy online now from our store, or for more information, just call us and we'll help you put Server 7 at the heart of your system, fast.

Cruse Control Limited June 2004
+44 (0)1923 842 295

Related article: 2pm Tues. 9th March 2004
FileMaker Pro 7 released, FileMaker Developer 7 released, FileMaker Server 7 announced, FileMaker Server 7 Advanced announced, FileMaker Mobile 7 announced.

Or download the PDF document here.

December 2003:
Cruse Control become a Limited Company!

With effect 1/12/03, the Partnership that was Cruse Control creative services has been transferred into a Limited Company,
"Cruse Control Limited."

Paul Cruse is now Director of the Limited Company.

The VAT Registration number of 662305062 has been transferred to the Limited Company. The new business Registration number is 4981628

The trading address remains unchanged as 6 Wolsey Mansions, Main Avenue, Moor Park, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 2HL as does all other contact details, such as telephone 01923 842 295, Fax 01923 842 698, Email and Web etc. All correspondence should be addressed to Cruse Control at the Moor Park address given above.

The registered office is now Crown House, 37 High Street, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 3AF, but this is NOT the address for correspondence to Cruse Control.

Please note that this is mainly an administrative change. Nothing else changes as far as our services go. We still offer CONTACTS!, WorkflowPLUS! and bespoke databases, Word Templates, PowerPoint presentations, Training, Consultancy and two on-line stores and we will continue to endeavor to bring you the best level of service that we can provide, just as we are known for doing. Thank you for your acquaintance and we hope to continue this for many years to come.

We look forward to serving your needs.


Paul Cruse
Cruse Control Limited

Databases, Web, Design, Training, Quark, PowerPoint, Word

CONTACTS! v2 gets 3.5 mice in MacUser review! See the article on-line here!!!
OR download
a simple pdf (300k) OR the high res pdf (900k)
NEWS...... NEWS...... NEWS...... NEWS...... NEWS...... NEWS...... NEWS.....

Databases, Web, Design, Training, Quark, PowerPoint, Word

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